Riney-B, Is a Skate Park the answer?
With the recent news of Nicholasville’s Riney-B, not opening due to pump issues, many residents are asking how the space could be used this year. While it’s a big disappointment to families of the area, to not have a place to cool off on these hot summer days, it seems another use for the Riney-B pool area could help lift the community’s spirits until the pool opens in 2023.
Talk of Riney-B
Talk around town started with some suggesting the Riney-B pool could be stocked with fish. Family and friends could meet up and try to land record-breaking bluegills or minnows. It was also suggested to open the pool to kayakers to practice some whitewater moves coming down the slides.
While these sound like great ideas, the overwhelming thought leader is the idea to turn Riney-B into a skatepark. Since Lake Mingo already has a skate park, turning Riney-B to skating would be easy. Seeing kids do McTwist and 860s would be great for kids of all ages. Nicholasville could be the skating capital of the state.
Could it happen down at the Riney-B?
We heard this could happen before summer is over! Just need to drain the swamp and put up some rail guards for all the boards to truck around the rim! Now time for you to sound off on the plans for Riney-B.
What do you think about this idea? Answer our poll below!